Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Trip to West Palm Beach

June 25th, Monday
Making our way to West Palm Beach
Yesterday Kevin picked me up at the Rehab Center around 11:00 am, from there we went to 3 different pharmacies looking for one that would carry or order the oxycodone (no such luck). Then we went to publix and did a small amount of shopping for me, plus buying a new cane. My old cane needs to be sent to Davie Jones Locker, the handle is all sticking from being in the sun and the shaft has rust on it, from being in the water so much.  I used it everywhere we went in the Bahamas, including the beach. By the time we finished our errands and had lunch it was about 2:00 pm and I was done in. Time to get home and get some sleep. As for the oxycodone, luckily I have some from last year so this will get me by until we find a pharmacy that will fill it. Our Neighbor told us to try Walgreens, so that is first on the agenda for today. Getting on board the boat was a little scary and tricky.  We purchased a medical stool that is very sturdy and has a 38” high grab handle, it was most helpful. There is not much space for me to walk around and I do a lot of pacing, specially when the medication is starting to wear off and I still have an hour to go before taking any more. So today we will be heading down the West Palm Beach and stay at my brother Bill’s condo for the next month. This will be a big help in the healing process. I need to walk, a lot and can’t do that on the boats.

We left just as a rain cloud came over us and got soaked walking down the dock. Next we found the Walgreens and got my prescription filled, with an hour wait. That gave us plenty time for a nice lunch at our favorite Mexican restaurant. While at lunch we get a call from the marine that an amazon package came in, so headed back there and then picked up meds. It’s now 1:30 and we are finally on the road. I had to take off the wet shoes and change to a dry shirt, then cover with the blue fuzzy blanket I got while at Health South. We arrived at the condo around 2:30 and unloaded the car, then relaxed for a while before unpacking and making a grocery list for food and supplies.  We have some food for the next day or so, but need a few spices, rice, butter eggs, etc. shopping is on tomorrow’s list, as well as finding a outpatient PT facility.

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Rehab Update

June 23, 2018
Rehab update.

I have been here at Health South for almost a week and a half.  The therapist and most of the nurses are great. I’ve had a few Nurse Kratchet types. But most of them are great. If I had any other rehab or a family member that needed to be in a rehab facility, I would send them here.  My rehab (PT and OT) have been 3 hours a day, let’s just say my pain level is no longer zero and I take cat naps between sessions, it is intense. I have been able to keep my extension and now walk with the cane, unless it is for a long distance or in a crowd (like walking through publix).  The flexsion or bending is still a challenge and I know it will take a while since those muscles have not been used for the past year or so. The journey home will be one night on the boat and then down to WPB to stay in my brothers condo(thank you Bill). That is where I will continue my outpatient rehab.  
So long for now and as alway Fair winds and safe sailing my friends.

Monday, June 18, 2018

Knee Rehab update

June 17th, 2018
Surgery update
I had my full knee replacement on Monday the 11th, at Sebastian hospital.  Coming out of surgery my pain level was about a 2 on a scale of 0-10. Through the next few days in was usually a level of zero, except after rehab.  The next 4 days were spend in the hospital, waiting for an authorization from the insurance company to be moved to a rehab facility. Finally Thursday midday we got the authorization and I was on my way to Health South Rehab in Vero Beach.  The reason for the rehab facility, as you know I leave on a sailboat, this is to get me strong enough and have the mobility to be able to get on and off the boat, safely.
I arrived at Health South via Stellar Medical Transport.  This is a very nice, clean and professional company. My room is 105B if you care to visit, and I have a lovely view of the garden area.  The schedule for an average day here is rise at 6 am, breakfast at 8am and rehab (PT/OT) start around 9am. I have a total of 3 hours each day, some session an hour some a half hour with breaks in between. Lunch break is 12 until 1:30 or 2pm, then usually finish no later the 3:30pm.  So the best time to visit is in the late afternoon between 4-8pm or Sundays after 1pm. My pain level on average now with all this therapy ranges between 2-7/10. I usually have to take a half oxi after rehab and then the rest of the time its just Tylenol . The surgical bandage comes of on Weds. at my doctors appointment.
The facility and staff here at Health South Rehab is wonderful and clean. For those of you who use to work with me at TBC Dr. Kalman is one of the staff Doctors, I literally ran into him, on my early morning walk today. It’s nice to see a friendly face.  Well tata for now. Safe journey and fair winds my friends.

Friday, June 8, 2018

June 5th, 2018

June 5th, 2018
Well it has been a little over a month since returning home from the Bahamas. We have had a lot of changes and finished up a few projects plus more planned out in the near future.
Our new home for the next several months is a lovely, peaceful, and well protected marina in Ft. Pierce area on Hutchinson Island, Harbor Isle Marina. The main docks and finger piers are floating concrete docks with 60’ finger piers. This has been very easy getting on and of the boat with just one long step and the use of a stool. The area offers some nice restaurants and a great movie/dinner theater. Most shopping we do in Vero Beach. We have finally gotten used to the town without having to use google maps.
As for completed projects, we have; a new washer/dryer, all the canvas cover for the sails are new, the dinghy chaps have been patched, the main refrigeration heat exchange is replaced, all engine maintenance is done and over 10 boxes of personal items moved off the boat into storage (for putting her on the market next month).
My surgery to redo the right knee replacement is scheduled for the 11th of June. Once I have surgery, I will be staying at a rehab facility for probably 6 weeks. This will allow me to get daily therapy treatments and not have to deal with maneuvering around the boat with the many sets of stairs and steps. Once I’ve had surgery and started rehab, I will post on my recovery status.
Sorry this is not as exciting as some of the other post but not much happening at this time. Until next time, fair winds and happy sailing my friends.