Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Hope Town

February 28th, 2018

Hope Town, Abacos

We left Guana Cay anchorage on Friday the 2nd and headed south to Hope Town.  For us to get anywhere near Hope Town, we have to coming on a rising  tide.  Most of the area waters just outside of the cove is between 5-6’ and inside the cove is about the same with a few 4’ areas on the approach.  So with that in mind we have to anchor on the outside.  Just south about a mile from the entrance to the cove is a nice 10’ deep area which has good holding.  The draw back of anchoring on the outside of the cove is you are subject to a lot of wave action from all the small rental boat flying by all hours of the day and night.  This is one anchorage that we definitely keep a few cabin lights on, as well our outside stern blue lights.  Besides the anchorage, we had a great time this past week.  The first night there we met up with our friends Kim and Les on board Willamena (which we have not seen for 3 years).  It was so nice to see them.  Saturday we went into town and spend the day with Claude and Margaret on board Compass Rose.  We had a wicked game of dominoes in the afternoon and the boys went on a hike to climb the lighthouse.  The Elbow Reef lighthouse is the only lighthouse still running on oil in the world.  Sunday and Monday we worked on the boat. Sunday was so calm that we could see all around us and found a sunken small sailboat under our keel.  It was a nice little heaven for some beautiful fish.  I was there wasn’t as much boat traffic bussing by us or we would have gone snorkeling.   Well today we are making our way back to Guana Cay and then cross the Whale tomorrow.  We need to be at the airport in Marsh Harbor on the 6th to renew our Visa. So on we go. Until next time fairwinds, calm seas and happy sailing my friends.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Made it threw the Whale

February 15,2018

First Happy Valentine’s Day to all.  The past to weeks have had there ups and down.

After being anchored in Manjack Cay for 9 days and not having contact with anyone, I got the flu.  We have no idea where it blew in from, doing much better now.  Kevin finished doing all the hurricane repairs to the outside bull works so that’s is a huge plus. Then we started to play, once I was up to it.

Our first adventure was to snorkel around the barge wreck by Crab Cay. I would have attached photos, but can only load them on the computer and it will not play nicely with my iPad or New Samsung phone.  The snorkeling was awesome and this was my first time since me knee replacement.  Needless to say, I have some very sore muscles now. The next day we hiked the trail to the ocean (already posted photos on Facebook). Yesterday we ventured through the Whale Cay Passage with NE swells, 4-5’ rollers and about 10 knots of wind. It was a Little Rock and rolling, but doable. We are currently anchored at Guana Cay and moving to Lynyard Cay tomorrow then hopefully cross down to the Eluthras on Saturday. Wind should be mild till Monday. All plans subject to change due to weather and Captains mood. This is my last post for a few days as internet will be very spotty if any.  For winds and happy sailing my friends.

Sunday, February 4, 2018

The waiting game

February 4th, 2018,

We had a wonderful time in Green Turtle, Abacos and made a lot of new friends now is the time to move on.  It may seem like we are not moving on, but yes people we are.  On Thursday the first, we left the marina and made our way to Man Jack for about a week.  Our dear friend Tom on board Happy Healer is coming to buddy boat with us for awhile.  He has done a lot of shopping for food and supplies, which are much cheaper stateside.  At this moment he is waiting in West Palm to cross the Gulf Stream.  We are hoping for a good window this morning and if that doesn’t work for him, then the next window is around Tuesday.  Once he has arrived, refueled and got some well needed sleep. We will all be waiting for another weather window to make the crossing of “Whale Cay Pass”. It is a very small section in the Atlantic but a very dangerous one.  The seas need to be calm and not out of the NE.  So the next destination is just on the south side of the pass at Guana Cay, Hope Town, Lynyard Cay and on to the Eluthras after that.  

Most of our projects are done and we will be able to play soon.  Our last little projects was a costly one.  We went in the back stateroom to touch up any varnish runs from two weeks before.  Once Kevin had finished sanding the spots, I went for a shower.  Just prior to my shower I took off my glasses and set them on the bed.  The counter area was covered with sandpaper, varnish, paint brush, hammer, acetone, etc.  So I thought the glasses would be safer on the bed.  This required telling Kevin the glasses were on the bed and to be careful.  I proceeded with my shower, stepped out and there set my glasses on the counter, with one of the arm pieces broke off.  Now mind you, this all happen in about a five minute span.  So he spend the next three days trying to fix them with, tape, super glue, epoxy, West system filler, solder and the final try was drilling a hole in the side of the glasses and the arm piece.  So now my glasses have a screw sticking out the side with solder around the hing, and part of the lense melted.  The best part is I have to be very careful putting them on and can not fold the arm pieces in or it will all fall apart.  Now if you have transition lenses like I do, they have to be in just the right spot on your nose, well mine are at a slant and keep sliding down my nose.  Life is good.  I am trying to contact my optometrist to have a new pair shipped.  

So this is enough excitement for me.  I was told that my blogs were not coming fast enough, Rich, this blogs for you.

Fair winds and happy sailing my friends