Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Our travels to United Kingdom

We attempted to fly out of Charlotte at 2030 hrs (8:30pm) Monday. Due to normal travel issues, we never took off until 0015 hr (12:15AM) Tuesday. After an exhausting 8 hour flight we landed at Heathrow airport in London at 1245 (12:45pm, 7:45 EST). Once we made our way through the airport and went to find our rental car, which was not there. We then had to take a taxi to the car rental place, since they did not have a car waiting for us. The car rental then chared us for additional insurance and a high rate then originally quoted and they wanted a deposit, for a payment we made in advance. This added an additional $500 to our car rental bill. So we finally got out of London around 1400 and made our way to Evesham, where our daughter Kristina lives. We got settled in our hotel around 1700. Getting us to Kristina’s around 1740, leaving us about 2 hours to meet and play with our grandson Fynn. Fynn is autistic so being introduced to him was a challenge. He reconized me but was afraid of Kevin, which is normal. Once I pulled out two little stuffed dinosaurs, it seem to settle him and he went back to play.

We spent about three hours with family and then went back to our hotel for a good night sleep.

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Life changes and Journeys continue

I know it’s been several years since posting. Kevin and I have had many changes since 2019. Due to difficulties I was having with maneuvering on board a sailboat. It was time to say goodbye to Serena Rose. This was one of the hardest decision we have had to make. Serena Rose was our home for almost 17 years. We ventured up the coast of Florida to Jacksonville and spent a year living inland. There were some definite periods of adjusting to land but we have adjusted. Once we heard our daughter was finally pregnant, after sereval tries. Kevin and I felt it was time to be closer to our children and grandchildren. In 2021 we headed for NC and have settled here for the long haul. It was hard moving away from all our friends we have know for almost 40 years, but this was a good move. In the past three years, we have made many new friends and have new stories to tell you all.

Our daughter had a handsome little boy name Fynn. He is a special gift to her, James, Kevin and myself. I was fortunate to be with her in England for his birth. David, our oldest has been busy as usual, but we have enjoyed spending more time getting to know our other two grandsons, Alex and Cole. They have been growing so fast and I feel like they will be gone in a flash

As we all had our own struggles with dealing thru Covid, as did everyone else. Plans for the future have changed, as with others. We are glad to say this year we will hopefully start traveling. Our first trip will be a journey across the pond to see Kristina and her family. Kevin has not meet his new grandson and is very excited about seeing him and Kristina.

I hope you will all be able to follow our adventures as they begin this fall.